Privacy Policy


The BGR Aviation site (, its design, all text, graphics, and content are the property of BGR Aviation and its affiliates. None of the content found on this site may be reproduced, republished, distributed, displayed, sold or modified without the express written permission of Bangor International Airport.

Accuracy of Information on this Web Site

Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information presented on this Web site; however, we assume no responsibility for its accuracy and the information should not be relied upon as accurate, timely or fit for any particular purpose. Further, we assume no obligation to update the information contained on this Web site or to advise of any further developments concerning any topics mentioned. The information on this Web site may be changed at any time without notice.

Other Linked Sites Found on this Web Site

Links to other Web sites are provided for your reference and convenience only. We assume no responsibility for the accuracy, appropriateness or views expressed on other linked Web sites. We are not acting as a publisher of any materials contained on other linked sites and do not seek to control the content of or maintain any type of editorial control over any linked sites. Links to other sites should not be construed to imply that this site is in any way affiliated or associated with, or is legally authorized to use any trade mark, trade name, logo or copyrighted symbol found in the link or link descriptions to other sites.

User Information

In the course of your use of the Site, you may provide certain information to Bangor Aviation (such information collectively is referred to hereinafter as “User Information”). BGR Aviation’s use of any User Information will be governed by the Privacy Statement.


All remarks, submissions, ideas, concepts, pictures or other information you submit to the Site will become the exclusive property of BGR Aviation. BGR Aviation will not be required to treat any submission as confidential, and will be entitled to use all submissions for any purpose whatsoever, without any compensation to you.

Privacy Statement

BGR Aviation is committed to protecting the privacy of individuals.

BGR Aviation collects personal information that is voluntarily provided by you when using certain portions of this website; such as ‘contact us’. This information is collected for the purpose in which it was given, to respond to your inquiry. By providing us with your personal information, you consent to the use of your personal information in accordance with this privacy statement. BGR Aviation will not disclose any personal information to any third party, except as required by law and as is necessary to fulfill your request.

BGR Aviation has taken security measures with respect to the storage of personal information in the attempt to maintain the safety of such information.

This website contains links to third party sites. BGR Aviation is not responsible for the collection of personal information nor the privacy of such information on third party sites.

If you have any questions or concerns with respect to this privacy statement, please send an email to

BGR Aviation reserves the right to change this privacy statement at any time. Such changes will be posted on this page and in compliance with applicable federal privacy laws.